A Trusted Name In
Waste water Industry

Waste Water Treatment

Biological system, such as the activated sludge process and trickling filter, are important components of wastewater treatment plants that use micro organisms to break down organic matter and pollutants. These system ensure safe and effective treatment of waste water before it is discharged back into the environment

Bio Gas Plant

Anaerobic biogas plants use microorganisms to break down organic waste in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas that can be used as a renewable source of energy. They offer several advantages, including handling a wide range of waste materials, low greenhouse gas emissions, and potential energy self-sufficiency. Herb plants grow easily, are suitable for home cultivation, and have an attractive aroma.

Solid Waste Management

Composting is a natural process of controlled decomposition of organic waste materials that can be done on a small or large scale, providing a nutrient-rich soil amendment that improves soil health and fertility, reduces waste sent to landfills, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Bio Toilet

Using bacterial bioculture in biotoilets is an effective and environmentally-friendly solution for waste management. It offers benefits such as reduced odor, cost-effectiveness, and easy maintenance.

About Us

As a leading provider of specialized bacterial biocultural products, we are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions for wastewater treatment plants( STP/ETP), as well as organic solid waste management.

At bioinnovation, we are proud to be India’s largest bioculture manufacturer, offering innovative solutions for wastewater treatment and composting. Our team of qualified and experienced professionals in biotech and waste management is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services. 

Waste water treatment

Biological systems are an essential component of many waste water treatment plants, providing a natural way to remove organic matter and pollutants from wastewater. These systems use microorganisms like bacteria, protozoa, and fungi to break down the organic matter in wastewater and convert it into simpler compounds like carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. 

Solid Waste Management

Composting is a natural process that involves the controlled decomposition of organic waste materials like food scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradable materials. The process of composting breaks down the organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil health and fertility.

Bio Gas Plant

An anaerobic biogas plant is a type of waste-to-energy facility that uses microorganisms to break down organic waste materials in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas as a byproduct. Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases that can be used as a renewable source of energy for heating, electricity generation, or transportation. 

Bio Toilet

Bacterial bioculture is an effective solution for managing waste in biotoilets, offering a range of benefits. One key advantage is its ability to break down organic waste such as feces and urine. The bacteria present in the bioculture feed on the organic matter and convert it into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide, water, and minerals. Additionally, using bacterial bioculture in a biotoilet helps to reduce odor by eliminating the odor-causing compounds. 

Contact Us


A03, Katraj, Pune, india 411046


+91 8918729328

